Inspirational & motivational speaking

As I reflect on my journey, I realize there's still a road to travel before I can proudly wear the badge of a motivational speaker. Yet, the podcasts I've been fortunate to guest on have been more than just stepping stones; they've been eye-opening adventures, revealing paths I never knew existed.

From discussions on navigating the complexities of parenthood, realizing where I failed my own daughters, to bravely confronting the shadows of trauma, even delving into the enigmatic realm beyond our physical existence, my experiences have been diverse and profound. I've journeyed through the depths of personal pain and glimpsed the ethereal realms three times over, memories etched vividly in my mind.

But amidst these varied topics lies a singular purpose: to kindle the flame of inspiration in those whose voices have been muffled by societal norms and familial expectations. My passion drives me to speak on themes like healing the wounds of childhood amidst the turbulence of mid-life, confronting our deepest fears head-on, and recognizing the subtle yet destructive currents of non-physical domestic violence and psychological torment in relationships.

My goal is simple yet profound: to “Illuminate the path” for others, guiding them from the darkness of silence to the brilliance of self-realization. Together, let's embark on a journey of healing, growth, and empowerment. For in sharing our stories, we not only find solace but also the strength to rewrite our narratives and shape our destinies.